Mount Cube

Just a short one to get back in the mountains


Mount Cube (2909ft)


Baker Rd


Cross Rivendell Trail

Total Distance

4.2 miles, 1,816ft elevation gain


Start: 10:53am, 2:00 Round Trip


Overcast and pretty cold (teens). Not overly windy.

Trail Conditions

Packed broken trail, that felt a little like hiking in sand dunes


Bare winter boots

Partners in Crime

Cody and Rye


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Snowy Mount Cube
Snowy Mount Cube

Mount Cube holds a curious spot in my heart, being the one and only mountain I’ve suffered an injury resulting in a trip to the emergency room for.

Some backstory: When I was just earning my trail stripes in March 2016, Cody took us to this nearly-3000-footer, and we had a nice time hiking up the AT to the sunny summit. On the way down, after we were done with the steep and rocky descent, I managed to trip over a rock or a root or something small and land my knee directly on a sharp rock. Without a first aid kit for this small adventure, Cody used my handkerchief to bandage my bloody knee for the last mile or so back to the car. At the ER, I got three stitched poorly done by a student (two out of three had to be done twice…), Cody nearly feinted, and we made it home about 5 hours later to R.I.C.E. on the couch with our Thai takeout. We always bring a first aid kit with us now.

Me at the ER after our first tip to Mount Cube.
Me at the ER after our first tip to Mount Cube.
Cody after nearly passing out watching the stitches.
Cody after nearly passing out watching the stitches.

…thus earning Mount Cube the nickname by our friend group of “Mount Doom”. Additional tales of Mount Doom include just not being able to summit for various reasons (which I don’t really understand) by our other friends.

Anyways, we chose to take the most direct route up this time on the Cross Rivendell trail, which in total runs 36 miles from Vershire, VT to the summit of Mount Cube. The last two miles of this are a straightforward climb through the woods. It was a mild “up”, the most difficult part being the slippery snow under our bare boots, but then again… fitness.

Headed back down into the snowy forest.
Headed back down into the snowy forest.

We made it to the top in an hour and 15 mins and had some nice views below overcast skies. And we also made it back down safe and sound. No more Mount Doom.


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